Funny Jokes To Tell Biography
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The lights dim and he knows the moment is nearing for him to make his mark and show her how light-hearted and funny he really is. The car ride was pleasant, however they'd all but used up the standard small-talk exchanges. He'll owe it all to reddit, of course. But she doesn't know that. Funny and educated in the realm of theatre? Pure gold.
"Oh shit." He thinks. The curtains begin to part. He turns to her with a grin as his moment arrives, "Hey," he gets her attention, "Knock, Knock."
There's a screech of metal-on-metal. The curtains come to an unceremonious halt and silence slithers through the room as confusion sets in amongst the crowd. She turns to him, a double dose of confusion evident on her furrowed brow as she tries to comprehend the timing of his joke and the jamming of the curtains, hanging like a convict at the gallows. "Umm..Who's there?" She whispers in hesitant expectation.
Mayormcsleaze freezes up, his grasp on the English language suddenly loose and shaky, an unthinkable situation for an English Major. He had no need to prepare a backup joke. The very first line of this damn show was his saviour, and she'd just said it. Why didn't he just take her to a movie? Trust this ancient technology to let him down. "Uhh...Brian?" she whispers, "Who's there?"
It's just his luck.
Maybe too hilarious... mayormcsleaze could pop this brilliant joke only to have his or her date burst out into uncontrollable laughter after the first line of a play.
It would be like that episode of Seinfeld where Jerry pulls out the pez dispenser and Elaine loses it in the piano recital.
my personal favorite:
Me: Hey I got a great knock knock joke, but you have to start me off
Them: Ok, knock knock!
Me: Who's there?
Them: confused silence
I don't know if anyone's posted this yet but here it is:
Two cannibals are eating a clown, one looks over to the other and says:
"Does this taste funny to you?"
I dunno why your joke reminded me of this one.
A female golfer had just sunk her first putt and is headed to the second tee when she is stung by a bee. She is taken to the Dr. and he says, "where did it sting you?"
"Between the first and second hole" she replied.
"Well" said the Dr. "your stance is too wide."
Why do ducks have flat feet?
To stomp out forest fires.
Why do elephants have flat feet?
To stomp out burning ducks.
h I got another one:
Mahatma Gandhi, as you know, walked barefoot most of the time, which produced an impressive set of calluses on his feet. He also ate very little, which made him rather frail and, with his odd diet, he suffered from bad breath. This made him a super calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.
Meet Humphrey the humpless camel. Growing up, Humphrey was different from all of the other camel kids and they made fun of him endlessly. Humphrey would often spend recess alone and cry because he had no friends.
One day, Humphrey was walking home from Camel Elementary, and a man stopped him in the street. He asked Humphrey if he could run. Humphrey said that because he had no humps, he could run even faster than the other camels. The man jumped onto Humphrey's back, and Humphrey ran, ran, and ran. For the first time ever, he had a sense of purpose! He found another humpless camel, named Heather, and they got along very well. They humped.
And that's how horses were made.
I was at a festival in Germany once and some guys came over to me and my friends and asked (in German) if they could borrow some cigarette papers. Being British, we couldn't really understand what they were saying - but we'd managed to figure it out with our limited knowledge of German and their 'rolling a joint' hand signals. We went on having a conversation in broken German for a couple of minutes, both parties looking more and more confused, until one of my friends said something to me in English. The other group looked surprised and started laughing - turns out they were British as well, we'd both assumed the others were German and had spent the last 5 minutes talking (probably) nonsense to each other in a language none of us knew.
I was sitting in a park with some friends once (bit drunk, after a gig).. a couple came up to us (also tipsy) and asked if they could have some tobacco. Since me and my friends had been telling each other jokes, we said sure, but they had to tell us a good joke first.
The girl started off going 'Two goldfish are in a... in a....', turned to me and asked 'What do goldfish live in?' Even though I'd heard this joke loads, I didn't realise it was this particular joke, so I replied with 'Uuh, a goldfish bowl?' She seemed satisfied with that answer and continued... 'Oh yeah.. So, two goldfish are in a goldfish bowl, one turns to the other and says "How do you drive this thing"'
The look on her face as she slowly realised that the joke she was expecting to tell wasn't the joke she had actually just told made it one of the best jokes I've ever heard.
(She then followed up with a bunch of other jokes, and tobacco was gladly given.)
Edit: Guys... It really was just tobacco. If it was weed, I would've said so.
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Funny Jokes To Tell In Hindi For Adults In Urdu For Facebook To Text In English For Teenagers Images For Adults Dirty For Kids In Hinid

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Funny Jokes To Tell In Hindi For Adults In Urdu For Facebook To Text In English For Teenagers Images For Adults Dirty For Kids In Hinid

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Funny Jokes To Tell In Hindi For Adults In Urdu For Facebook To Text In English For Teenagers Images For Adults Dirty For Kids In Hinid

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