Funny Jew Jokes Biography
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Whats Jewish doggy style?
You beg for half an hour and the princess rolls over and plays dead.
What happens when a Jew with an errection walks into a wall?
He breaks his nose. - Mandy
What's faster than a speeding bullet?
A jew with a coupon. - John
Why did Hitler kill himself?
He saw his gas bill -Goose
What's the difference between a jew and Santa?
Santa goes down the chimney! -christoph
A priest and a rabbi were walking down the street, on the other side they saw a young boy walking.
The priest looked at the rabbi and said, "Let's screw him!", the rabbi replied, "Outta what?" -Kris
How do you know if a chink robbed your house?
Your homework is done, your computer is upgraded, but two hours later the chink is still trying to back out of your driveway! -Kris
Why is a gook like a computer?
They both only see bits! -hector
How do you blindfold a gook?
Dental floss!
How do you know jews are living nextdoor?
There's wet toilet paper on the clothesline -Riley rice
What's the difference between jews and boyscouts?
Boyscouts come back from their camps! -Steve
What's the difference between a jew and a vampire?
One is a blood sucking vampire, and the other has wings. -mike
What's Hitlers least favorite planet?
'Jewpiter' -Ben
Whats the difference between a jew and a pizza?
The pizza doesnt scream when you put it in an oven!
Whats the difference between a Jew and a Canoe?
A canoe tips
How do you get 100 jews into a car?
Throw a quarter in it.
How do you get them out again?
Tell them Hilter is driving.
How many jews can you fit in a VW Beetle?
54, two in the front, two in the back, and fifty in the ashtray.
How do you know you have a queer Jew?
He likes money more than girls.
Have you heard about the Jewish sports car?
It stops on a dime, then picks it up
What is a Jews biggest dilemma?
Free pork
Whey do Jews have such big noses?
Cuz all the airs free.
Whats the object of Jewish football?
To get the quarter back.
How was copper wire invented?
2 Jews fighting over the same penny
What language does Jewish homo speak?
What did the little German boy get for his birthday?
Easy bake oven and a G.I Jew
Hows Christmas celebrated in Jewish homes?
They put parking meters on the roof.
Why did the Jews walk around the desert for 40 years?
They heard that someone dropped a quarter
What do you call a room full of jewish women with yeast infections?
A whine and cheese party.
Whats Jewish doggy style?
You beg for half an hour and the princess rolls over and plays dead.
What happens when a Jew with an errection walks into a wall?
He breaks his nose. - Mandy
What's faster than a speeding bullet?
A jew with a coupon. - John
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