Funny Birthday Jokes Biography
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A few months before his sixtieth birthday, George began
planning his party. He called up his 30-year-old daughter for some help.
“Why don’t you invite all your old high school buddies?” she
asked. “That could be a lot of fun.”
“I’d like to bring all my high school buddies to the party,”
said George, “but I don’t want to get arrested.”
His daughter laughed. “Why would you get arrested for
bringing your high school buddies to your birthday party?”
“Don’t you know?” asked George. “Grave robbing is a crime.”
It’s my wife’s birthday tomorrow. Last week I asked her what
she wanted as a present.
‘Oh, I don’t know,’ she said . ‘Just give me something with
That’s why I’m giving her a pack of playing cards.
A man asked his wife, “What would you most like for your
She said, “I’d love to be ten again.”
On the morning of her birthday, he got her up bright and
early and they went to a theme park. He put her on every ride in the park – the
Death Slide, The Screaming Loop, the Wall of Fear.
She had a go on every ride there was. She staggered out of
the theme park five hours later, her head reeling and her stomach turning.
Then they were off to a movie theater where they ate popcorn
and sweets and drank Cola. At last she staggered home with her husband and
collapsed into bed.
Her husband leaned over and asked, “Well, dear, what was it
like being ten again?” One eye opened and she groaned, “Actually, honey, I
meant dress size!”
Johnny was racing around the garden on his new bicycle and
called out to his mother to watch his tricks.
“Look, Mum! No hands! Look, Mum! No feet! Waaah! Look, Mum!
No teeth!”
A lady was throwing a party for her granddaughter and had
gone all out….. a caterer, band, and a hired clown. Just before the party
started, two bums showed up looking for a handout. Feeling sorry for the bums,
the woman told them that she would give them a meal if they will help chop some
wood for her out back. Gratefully, they headed to the rear of the house.
The guests arrived and all was going well with the children
having a wonderful time. But the clown hadn’t shown up. After a half and hour,
the clown finally called to report that he was stuck in traffic and would
probably not make the party at all.
The woman was very disappointed and unsuccessfully tried to
entertain the children herself. She happened to look out the window and saw one
of the bums doing cartwheels across the lawn. She watched in awe as he swung
from tree branches, did mid-air flips, and leaped high in the air.
She spoke to the other bum and said, “What your friend is
doing is absolutely marvelous. I have never seen such a thing. Do you think
your friend would consider repeating this performance for the children at the
party? I would pay him $50!”
The other bum says, “Well, I dunno. Let me ask him.” “HEY
“Look at ME!!” boasted the fit old man, pounding a very flat
and firm stomach, having just finished 100 situps before a group of young
“Fit as a fiddle! And you want to know why? I don’t smoke, I
don’t drink, I don’t stay up late, and I don’t chase after loose women!!”
He smiled at them, teeth white, eyes aglitter, “And tomorrow
— tomorrow, I’m going to celebrate my -90th- birthday!!”
“Oh, really?” drawled one of the young onlookers, “How?”
For his birthday I gave my son an iPhone.
My daughter received an iPod for her’s, and for my birthday
I was pleased to receive an iPad.
Thinking along the same lines, I got my wife an iRon, and
that’s when the fight started…
The housewife answered a knock on the door and found a total
stranger standing on the doorstep.
“Excuse me for disturbing you, ma’am,” he said politely,
“but I pass your house every morning on my way to work, and I’ve noticed that
every day you appear to be hitting your son on the head with a loaf of bread.”
“That’s right.”
“Every day you hit him on the head with a loaf of bread, and
yet this morning you were beating him with a chocolate cake.”
“Well, today is his birthday.”
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Funny Birthday Jokes In Hindi For Adults In Urdu For Facebook To Text In English For Teenagers Images For Adults Dirty For Kids In Hinid

Funny Birthday Jokes In Hindi For Adults In Urdu For Facebook To Text In English For Teenagers Images For Adults Dirty For Kids In Hinid

Funny Birthday Jokes In Hindi For Adults In Urdu For Facebook To Text In English For Teenagers Images For Adults Dirty For Kids In Hinid

Funny Birthday Jokes In Hindi For Adults In Urdu For Facebook To Text In English For Teenagers Images For Adults Dirty For Kids In Hinid

Funny Birthday Jokes In Hindi For Adults In Urdu For Facebook To Text In English For Teenagers Images For Adults Dirty For Kids In Hinid

Funny Birthday Jokes In Hindi For Adults In Urdu For Facebook To Text In English For Teenagers Images For Adults Dirty For Kids In Hinid

Funny Birthday Jokes In Hindi For Adults In Urdu For Facebook To Text In English For Teenagers Images For Adults Dirty For Kids In Hinid

Funny Birthday Jokes In Hindi For Adults In Urdu For Facebook To Text In English For Teenagers Images For Adults Dirty For Kids In Hinid

Funny Birthday Jokes In Hindi For Adults In Urdu For Facebook To Text In English For Teenagers Images For Adults Dirty For Kids In Hinid

Funny Birthday Jokes In Hindi For Adults In Urdu For Facebook To Text In English For Teenagers Images For Adults Dirty For Kids In Hinid

Funny Birthday Jokes In Hindi For Adults In Urdu For Facebook To Text In English For Teenagers Images For Adults Dirty For Kids In Hinid

Funny Birthday Jokes In Hindi For Adults In Urdu For Facebook To Text In English For Teenagers Images For Adults Dirty For Kids In Hinid

Funny Birthday Jokes In Hindi For Adults In Urdu For Facebook To Text In English For Teenagers Images For Adults Dirty For Kids In Hinid

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